Sunday, April 4, 2010

Internal and external

When a woman has intercourse they allow a never to infiltrate them. A man goes into something when he has sex. Female genetariy is an internal thing. Male genitary is external. To me when a woman is premiscious it is attractive, except if it were my love, then I would find it to be disguisting. Why is it that I have this mindset? In popular culture it is of some social value for men to sleep around, words like "player", "pimp"," ladies man", and many other praises are giving to promiscuous men. On the other hand words like "ho", "whore", "hoodrat",and "slut" all cast a negative depiction and association of promiscuous women. Woody Allen makes jokes of these situation. The severity of an internal/external sexual construction hold capture the thought of promiscuity among sexes.

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